After a long period of internal development, MXQuery 0.6.0 has been released.
MXQuery is a lightweight, full-featured XQuery implementation,
- running a variety of Java platforms (including MIDP/CLDC)
- providing support for
- XQuery 1.0 (including Schema + Modules)
- XQuery Update Facility 1.0
- XQuery/XPath Fulltext 1.0 (partial)
- XQuery Scripting Extension 1.0 (experimental)
- providing several extensions to XQuery
- SOAP Import/Export, REST Import/HTML Tidy import
- Continuous query support (Data Stream/CEP processing)
Compared to the last release (0.4.1), the following changes have been performed:
- Support for XML Schema
- Full Support for XQuery 1.0 (99.6 % compliance)
- Full Support for XQuery Update Facility 1.0 (>99 % compliance)
- Support for selected XQuery 1.1 features (windowing, try/catch)
- Support for XQuery and XPath Full Text 1.0 (partial, experimental)
- Support for XQuery Scripting 1.0 (experimental)
- Support for Web Service (SOAP) import and export (at module level)
- Support for REST import/calls (same interfaces as Zorba)
- Support for Tidying HTML (using tagsoup, same interfaces as Zorba)
- (almost) complete support for XQJ
- Support for DOM, SAX, StAX parsers
- Support for XDM Serialization (most parameters now supported)
- Integration of the SMS Stream Store
- Support for running continuous XQuery expressions (streaming)
- Refactored Java API with Javadoc and extensive set of examples
- New command line interface, exposing most of the functionality of the Java API
- Packaging: Standalone, within a application server container, mobile devices