Input / Output
Opt | LongOpt | Arguments with example | Description |
-f | –queryFile | String inputFile
“query.xq” |
Specify the file of the query or plan to run |
-i | –inlineQuery | String inputQuery
“for $i in … return … “ |
Specify the query to run in the command line |
-p | –queryPlan | String planFile
“queryPlan.xml” |
Specifiy the query plan to run |
-d | –discardResult | Discard the generated results | |
-o | –outputFile | String outputFile
“result.xml” - |
Specify where the result should be written to.
Either a file or the standard output (-). |
-s | –serializer | See table “Serializer parameter” | Specify a number of serializer parameters |
Taken from the XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.0 working draft
Parameter | Permitted values for parameter | Description |
byte-order-mark | yes | no | This parameter indicates whether the serialized sequence of octets is to be preceded by a Byte Order Mark. |
cdata-section-elements | name1;name2;… | A list of QNames, possibly empty. |
doctype-public | A string of Unicode characters | |
doctype-system | A string of Unicode characters | |
encoding | A string printable ASCII characters | |
escape-uri-attributes | yes | no | |
include-content-type | yes | no | |
indent | yes | no | |
media-type | A string of Unicode characters | |
Method | text | html | xhtml | xml | Output method |
normalization-form | NFC | NFD | NFKD | fully-normalized | none | Not specified yet |
omit-xml-declaration | yes | no | |
standalone | yes | no | omit | |
suppress-indentation | yes | no | |
undeclare-prefixes | yes | no | |
use-character-maps | (a,astring);(b,bstring),… | |
version | A string of Unicode characters |
Print Options
Opt | LongOpt | Arguments with example | Description |
-ex | –explain | Print the query plan in XML format | |
-sp | –serializePlan | String planFile.xml
“queryPlan.xml” |
Print the execution plan in XML format |
-ps | –printStores | Print the states of all variables at the end of execution | |
-t | –timing | Print timing information in standard
Error stream |
XQuery language features
Opt | LongOpt | Arguments with example | Description |
-sa | –schemaAwareness | Enable XML Schema support and hence the use of the validate keyword | |
-fm | –fulltextMode | Enable XQuery Fulltext support (default off) | |
-um | –updateMode | Enable XQuery Update Facility support (default off) | |
-sm | –scriptingMode | Enable XQuery Scripting support (default off) | |
? | –xquery11Mode | Enable XQuery 1.1 support (default off) | |
? | –continuousMode | Enable support for Continuous XQuery (default off) | |
-x | –updateFiles | Make updates on files persistent | |
-b | –noBackupUpdates | Backup updated files by storing the old version with a .bak extension |
Input and Validation
Opt | LongOpt | Arguments with example | Description |
-dtd | –dtdAwareness | Enable DTD support/validation mode on input functions and external variable assignment | |
-val | –validation | [strict|lax] | Enable input (schema) validation and optionally set the validation mode on input functions and external variable assignment |
-str | –xmlStream | Treat XML input as XML node sequence, not as a single element | |
-xsd | –schemaFiles | String schemaFiles
“f1;f2;…,fn” |
Loads Schema files for validation |
Opt | LongOpt | Arguments with example | Description |
-c | –context | See table “Context components” | Specify a number of components of the static context |
-e | –externalVariable | String varName
varName := literal varName = file.xml varName - . := literal . = file.xml . - |
Specify external variable or context item as literal, file or standard input |
Context components
Component | Default initial value | Parameter | Description |
XPath 1.0 Compatibility Mode
Compatibility |
false | true | false | Indicate whether rules for compatibility with XPath 1.0 are in effect. (For languages using XPath 2.0 as a subset)
This component is set fixed to false |
static-ns |
fn, xml, xs, xsi, local | (prefix1,uri1);(prefix2,uri);… | Set the statically known namespaces. |
Default element/type namespace
default-elem-ns |
no namespace | String URI | none | Set the default element/type namespace |
Default function namespace
default-func-ns |
fn | String URI | none | Set the default function namespace |
In-scope schema types
schema-types |
built-in types in xs | In-scope schema types
In-scope element declarations none In-scope attribute declarations none |
In-scope variables | none | (expanded QName1,type1); (expanded QName2,type2);… | Set the variables that are available for reference within an expression. |
Context item static type
ctx-item-type |
none | String type | set the static type of the context item within the scope of a given expression |
Function signatures
func-signatures |
functions in fn namespace, constructors for built-in atomic types | (expanded QName1,arity1,parameter types1); (expanded QName2,arity2,parameter types2);… | Set functions that are available from within an expression. |
Statically known collations
static-collations |
only the default collation | (uri1,collation1);(uri2;collation2);… | Set collations available for use in processing queries and expressions |
Default collation
default-collations |
Unicode codepoint collation | String URI | Set one of the collation in the statically known collations as default. |
Construction mode
Construction |
preserve | preserve | strip | |
Ordering mode
Ordering |
ordered | ordered | unordered | Set the ordering mode for results of a path expression, FLOWR expression, set expression that have no order by clause. |
Default order for empty sequences
default-es-order |
least | greatest | least | Set the order-rank of the empty sequence when used as a ordering key. |
Boundary-space policy
boundary-space-polizy |
strip | preserve | strip | Set the Boundary-space policy to either preserve or strip (remove) |
Copy-namespace mode
copy-ns-mode |
preserve, inherit | preserve | no-preserve,
inherit | no-inherit |
Set the Copy-namespace mode for the in-scope namespace of the new node.
preserve: include the inscope namespaces from the original node. inherit: include the inscope namespaces from the parent node. |
Base URI
base-uri |
TO BE DEFINED | String URI | Set the base URI used for resolving relative URIs |
Statically known documents
static-documents |
none | uri1;uri2;… | Add uri1, uri2, … to the statically known documents |
Statically known collections
static-collections |
none | uri1;uri2;… | Add uri1, uri2, … to the statically known collections |
Statically known default collection type
static-default-collection-type |
node()* | String type | Set default type of the sequence of nodes resulting from calling the fn:collection function with no arguments |